We will be a responsible member of our community by giving back to our community,by way of charitable donations to local causes of our choosing.
We pledge a percentage of our profits on a yearly basis.
Supporting local sports and teams
We support our local teams, clubs and other types of individual events. We will do what we can to help and support you. We especially support those that do business with us and their loyalty to our business, with sponsorships, donations and support in fundraisers.
Paying it forward
We strongly believe; what comes around goes around. By doing your part, from your heart and for the good of another; not from guilt or otherwise. Simply doing it from the kindness of your heart and paying it forward. Give when you can and expect nothing in return, there is truly not a better feeling. ............................It comes back many times over
Web Design
Complete Website Design, hosting and Domain Registrations. Package pricing for the complete array of custom ready to use websites. Let us work with you to give you what you want, at a great price. Give us a call today, or email us, to get started
What's New.
A few things going on.
Latest fundraisers
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Current featured story
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.
Athelete of the Month
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.
What new here at Just 1 please
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.